work life balance

Five Things - May 15, 2023

Welcome to my blog titled “Five Things” where you can expect just that - five random musings or reflections from the previous week or so. In addition, at the end of the blog, I’ll keep a running itinerary of our travel plans. For a photo gallery of our life on the road, our pets, and miscellaneous things I find interesting, you can follow me on Instagram @tabithalord.

So here are this week’s five things…

  1. Highlights from out time in Carlsbad, New Mexico include Sitting Bull Falls and Carlsbad Caverns. The first is this beautiful oasis in the middle of the rugged desert. We hiked the falls and swam in the natural pools at the base. Mother Nature at her finest! And the caverns, located about 60 miles from the falls, were simply amazing. After trekking down 75 stories (yes that’s the height of the Empire State building), we wandered for over a mile in the ‘Big Room,’ the most spectacular part of the underground cave system that makes up this incredible geological wonder. Seriously, check out my pictures on Instagram. They don’t do the cavern justice with regard to scale, but they do capture some of the more interesting formations.

  2. Okay, so Roswell! I totally geeked out at the International UFO Museum, and we even listened to a lecture by one of the crash site researchers. The whole town gets into the spirit. McDonald’s looks like a spaceship and there are statues of little green men everywhere. Totally my kind of place!

  3. The desert is dusty. Very dusty.

  4. I think Ray and I are finally finding a healthy balance between work and play. Some days, we are busy working, and others we are out having a grand adventure. Mostly, we are doing what we’d hoped to do and spending real time in different parts of the country. Our journey is definitely a lesson in living in the moment and being present. “Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” - Jim Rhon

  5. Amy and I are having so much fun putting together these YouTube videos together for Author’s Buzz. First off, we get to catch up and have a little girl time every week, and then we talk about one of our favorite topics - writing! You can check out the latest here: Spring Check In & Writing Rhythm.

“Not all those who wander are lost.” - J.R.R. Tolkien

Our itinerary, subject to change:

May 8-15: Carlsbad and Roswell, NM

May 15-22: Albuquerque, NM

May 22-29: Santa Fe, NM

May 29 - June 2: Alamosa, CO

June 2-10: Colorado Springs, CO

June 10-18: Granby, CO

June 18 - July 5: Central City, CO

July 5-9: Vernal, UT

July 9-15: Salt Lake, UT

July 15-22: West Yellowstone, MT

July 22 - August 5: Jackson, WY

August 5-10: Rock Springs, WY

August 10-18: Hurricane, UT

August 18-27: Coachella, CA

August 27 - September 5: Temecula, CA

September 5 - October 1: Santa Barbara, CA

October 1 - November 15: Pacific Northwest TBD

November 15 - January 3, 2024: Orangeland Park, CA

Monday Musings 7-20-20


The week ahead is daunting. I have a virtual book tour scheduled which requires several guest articles and interviews, new and different tasks for the writer’s blog I work for, and a lot of work with the Covid response team at the independent school where I am Board President. Oh, and I’d still like to make progress on my latest manuscript. It will all get done, but knowing what’s ahead is intimidating. Sometimes, I just have to dig in and push onward to the other side, and this is one of those weeks!

When I feel overwhelmed, I’ve learned to rely on my own slightly OCD organizational system. This system helps me feel proactive instead of reactive with my time, and it assures that I also plan enough down time if the crazy pace lasts too long. Over the years of trying to balance career, family, creativity, volunteerism, and my own mental health, I’ve come up with some principles to stay sane. I’ve written a lot about this, especially as it pertains to managing a career in the arts.

Since I am so pressed for time today, I’m cheating a bit and attaching one such article. I needed the reminders today, and maybe they’ll be useful to you as well!

Balance the Busy: A Writer’s Guide

For some people, summer is a relaxing time. When my kids were little and school ended, our schedule slowed down and I took advantage of that time to recharge. Now, not so much. My work heats up with the warm weather, and while I look forward to it, I also know those long, lazy days of summer are a thing of the past. In fact, if I’m not careful, long, lazy days anytime are a thing of the past.

It seems that everyone, writers included, are busy people, working to balance multiple obligations. Because we can, many of us work flexible schedules, which may translate into working all the time. We forget to shut down. We feel overwhelmed. We find we aren’t actually as productive or healthy as we want to be. Over the years, I’ve discovered some principles, proven to translate across careers, that help me stay organized, maintain balance in my life, and get things done. Maybe you’ll find them helpful.

Recognize Your Rhythm

Maybe you’re most creative in the morning over a cup of coffee, or late at night when everyone’s asleep. Maybe you feel super productive in the fall, but can’t seem to get out of your own way in the summer. Whatever the case, everyone has a rhythm – to their day, to their week, to their year. Honor that rhythm, learn to use it to your advantage, and recognize that it may change over time.

Keep a Schedule

Take time to organize yourself. I am an obsessive planner. I use an online calendar and an intricate system of notebooks and to-do lists to stay organized. To friends and family, my habits may seem a bit obsessive, but maintaining control over my time is the single most important factor impacting my productivity. When something unexpected happens – I’m sick, my kids are sick, my computer dies – I do what I have to do to get through, and as soon as possible, I sit down to reorganize. If I’m proactive as opposed to reactive with regard to managing my time, I feel less stressed and I’m definitely more productive.


There is always more to do, but not everything should make the top of your to-do list. Prioritize your daily tasks, writing projects, appointments, etc. Some things can be pushed off if you don’t get to them, but some things come with a deadline! Make it a habit to attend to the priorities first.

Mind Your Mental and Physical Health

When I was in college, inevitably I’d get sick as soon as I went home for a vacation. It was like my body did what it had to do to get me through exams, or a big project, or whatever, and then it totally shut down. I’ve learned it doesn’t have to come to that if I pay attention and take care of myself. Self-care is important. Block off time for the gym, a yoga class, dinner out. When deadlines loom or the to-do list is jam-packed, it might seem practical to bump one of these things. But self-care shouldn’t take last place, penciled in only after all the “work” things. Rather, it should hold equal importance. It has to. Much of the writer’s life is solitary. We’re alone in our own minds for a good bit of the day, and this isn’t necessarily good for our mental health. So be mindful to step away, seek out the company of others, and take care of yourself.

Just Say No

It’s tempting to say yes to every interesting project that comes along, especially if you are trying to launch a new career. Maybe for a little while, you do need to say yes often, but pretty soon you may become overwhelmed, or find yourself committed to projects that aren’t really the best use of your time. When considering a new project, I always sleep on it before making a commitment. Either my interest will grow or it will dissipate. If I’m still enthusiastic after a couple of days, I’ll figure out how to make it work. If not, I graciously say no thank you.

 The culture of busy isn’t going anywhere. In our time of instant communication, real-time information, and constant connectivity, we can easily become overwhelmed. A mindful habit of working with our personal rhythms, organizing and prioritizing our work, and paying attention to our own good health will help.