
Monday Musings 10-17-22

It’s official. We sold our home of nineteen years! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be prepping our new RV for full-time living, finishing up a few projects around the house, and sorting and packing. We’re slowly checking items off our list in anticipation of the big move. It’s exciting for sure.

On my last post, I talked about managing expectations during this time. That way of thinking has allowed me to approach our giant to-do list with equanimity most of the time, still make some forward progress with my writing, and be present for all the activities, events, and relationships that are important to me. So far, so good!

Speaking of activities, I’ll be at Rhode Island Comic Con November 4-6 signing books and moderating panels with a fantastic group of local authors. Here’s more info on the panels:

Friday, November 4, 5:30-6:15 pm - World Building 101

Science fiction and fantasy stories transport readers to new worlds, from the wondrous to the weird. Solid world building is essential to invite readers into your story and keep them immersed. How can writers construct believable worlds in unbelievable settings? How can we bring authenticity to these imaginary places? How do we develop an internal logic for our stories that is both fantastical and believable? When imagination and writing craft successfully intersect, the results can be out of this world! If you are an aspiring speculative fiction writer, this presentation is for you. 

Saturday, November 5, 11:30-12:15 - A Hero, Anti-Hero, and a Villain Walk into a Bar

Your main cast of characters should be well-developed and multi-faceted. Each one has a journey and a backstory. Let’s break down character archetypes and explore ways to bring depth and complexity to these fictional personalities. Join this lively conversation as we examine existing pop-culture heroes, anti-heroes, and villains, and discuss ways to breathe life into our own characters.

These will both take place in The Convention Center - Room 552. Hope to see you there!

Monday Musings 5-4-20


Being a writer, I sometimes fixate on a particular word that I find interesting, useful, or simply nice to look at. These last few weeks, my word of choice is equanimity. The definition reads: mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation. As May begins and we are now months into this unprecedented global pandemic with all its horrid side-effects, I find I’m constantly striving for equanimity.

There are times when it’s easy to maintain balance and inner peace, and times when it is much, much harder. In the midst of grief or stress or, say, a global pandemic, it may take all our mental energy just to make it through the day. While we may not be in a state of equanimity right now, we do have tools in our kit to help us realign. I’ve been doing simple, small things like a short yoga practice in the morning, an afternoon walk around the neighborhood, a cup of tea on my porch. Some days, I feel really good. Other days, not so much.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned that my mental health needs care and attention just like my physical health. As I strive for equanimity, I recognize that it isn’t a goal as much as it is an ongoing activity.

“Equanimity is calamity’s medicine.” - Publilius Syrus