college visits

Monday Musings 10-18-21

I’m currently on the west coast, sitting by the pool at the marina as I write this. My last child is a senior in high school, and we spent the week out here doing a college tour. All three of my older boys and my baby sister live in California now, so, from an ease of visiting perspective, we’re hoping kid #4 might choose a school nearby.

Regardless, I love so much about the SoCal vibe, from the weather, to the quirkiness of Hollywood, to the energy of downtown LA, to the sunsets over the Pacific. I’m soaking up a much sun as I can in preparation for the long New England winter!

Speaking of winter, I have a few events that I’m really looking forward to in the coming months. If you are in the area, please stop in and say hello!

First up, Rhode Island Comic Con from November 5-7. I’ll be there all weekend signing books. Here’s my panel schedule:

World Building: Mind Your Myths and Backstory - Saturday, November 6 at 11 am in Room 551

There’s much to consider when constructing a mythical, magical, or futuristic world, and one important factor is the foundation myth or backstory. What does the writer need to know? What does the reader need to know? When do they need to know it? How does the backstory impact the characters and the current events on their world? Join us for a discussion on how to effectively craft a backstory and weave it into your tale. Panel hosted by the Association of RI Authors.

Writing the Other: Creating Characters Outside Your Comfort Zone - Sunday, November 7 at 12:15 pm

Writing characters from different backgrounds than our own is both a challenge and an opportunity for authors. In this panel, we will explore the tools needed to write outside our own experiences to create three-dimensional characters. Topics will include the importance of research, the role of sensitivity readers, and avoiding harmful stereotypes. Panel hosted by the Association of RI Authors.

Then, I’ll be at the annual RI Author Expo on Saturday, December 11th. Signed books make great holiday gifts, and our Expo features many talented local authors. The program and panel schedule will be coming soon!

In other news…

Since we’re coming up on Halloween, I’m going to include links to a couple of short horror stories I wrote, which have been produced by Tales to Terrify, a really awesome podcast, and are available on audio. For both, my stories are the second feature on the show. Have a listen!

Lady in Blue - story begins at 16:39

Goodbye, Charlie - story begins at 18:40

Finally, the photos below are from Marina Del Rey in SoCal and a wooded bridge on the UC Santa Cruz campus. So pretty!